Any prayer or meditation needs to be harmonious with your soul and heart. Feel free to use these words as they are, or as a possible template to create your own. If you prefer a more traditional form of prayer, you’ll find examples in all hymnals. I also encourage you to simply relax, merge into Divine Love, and let the words flow forth silently or aloud.
Prayer of Intention and Release “Divine Oneness, God in all, may we learn to release and surrender to whatever this moment brings. May we balance this letting go with empowered action for the highest good of all beings. May we live in love, peace and thankfulness. Doing this, may we be happy and fulfilled. Thank you, thank you. Amen. |
“Amen means “And so it is!” This might be prayer to do in the morning, or any time of day to reset your intention and priorities.
Prayer for someone in need
Prayer for someone who is sick, in deep grief, seeking balance, needing emotional help, who or is in need of healing support. You don’t need permission from the recipient to pray for someone. They will receive as their Higher Self directs. The blank below is for the person’s name. This can also be done for a group of people, such as “all people who have Covid-19.”
Prayer for Someone in Need “God, Divine Essence, I ask help for _______________ that he/she receive all that is needed on any and every level of his/her being. I send forth the vision of Light filling him/her and ask that this be amplified by the angels and Divine Healers in whatever way is for his/her highest good and the highest good of all concerned. release Thank you. Thank you. |
My Favorite Mantras
So Hum – means I AM That, which to me means I AM one with all that is, including the interconnection that makes us all part of the One Essence (God, Spirit, the Void, Oneness)
Namu Ami Tah Bul – means I take refuge in the Infinite Light of my true nature. (learned from Won Buddhism)
Om Arum Namah – I bow to the worthiest energy of which I AM. This is a Jain meditation for the crown-chakra. It is designed to open the center with greatest access to our spirituality and the Divine.
Be Still and Know that I AM God – Psalm 46:10. I take this as a whole, feeling myself merge into God as I silently say the last phrase. Sometimes I just take one word a day (or perhaps one a week) and feel its meaning deepen in me.
The Lord’s Prayer– translated from Aramaic, the language Jesus (Jeshua) spoke. This version is from ‘Prayers of the Cosmos’ written and translated by Neil Douglas-Klotz
O Birther of the Cosmos |
Loving Kindness Meditation
A Buddhist prayer/meditation called Meta. Traditionally do each part three times.
(This is my version as it evolved.)
May I be filled with Loving Kindness,
May I be at Peace,
May I be radiantly healthy,
May I be safe,
May I be happy; may I know and remember the source of true happiness.
For someone you hold dear:
May you be filled with Loving Kindness,
May you be at Peace,
May you be radiantly healthy,
May you be safe
May you be happy; may you know and remember the source of true happiness.
For a neutral person (cashier, tech support – someone in your recent life)
May you be filled with Loving Kindness,
May you be at Peace,
May you be radiantly healthy,
May you be safe,
May you be happy; may you know and remember the source of true happiness.
For someone you really don’t like, someone who really irks you
May you be filled with Loving Kindness,
May you be at Peace,
May you be radiantly healthy,
May you be safe,
May you be happy; may you know and remember the source of true happiness.
For yourself
May I be filled with Loving Kindness,
May I be at Peace,
May I be radiantly healthy,
May I be safe,
May I be happy; may I know and remember the source of true happiness.
I conclude by sitting silently for awhile just breathing in love and breathing out love, feeling filled with and surrounded by love.